Thursday, September 11, 2008

Just want it to be the weekend

God it's taking forever to get to the weekend. I got in trouble on Tuesday for sneeking around with Bryce and having fun. I'm not allowed to have fun it's against my parents rules. So I'm grounded for three weeks but I'm planning on getting out of it. I mean I didn't think about what I was doing but come on.

Well soon it will be Friday and I will be free from school once again. I'm already sick of school XD. It think it's because it's so damn repetitive. Recently I haven't been doing anything but studying and doing homework... I have 3 A's and a B so I guess it's paying off >.>. I'm worried about Bryce he's been acting weirder than usual.... I don't know why though I usually don't worry about him. Well he can take care of himself he's 18....

I'm so tired right now I can hardly stay awake writing in my blog. O I got Kana her B-day present and she loved it. I knew she would like it I just didn't know it would mean so much to her. I am currently writing a story for English which isn't even halfway finished... I think i'm just gonna give it as is. I mean it has all the requirements and what not so.....

Well i'm sorry this is so short I know you guys are used to reading my WOT... but o well :3 Maybe I'll make up for it by posting some pic's later >>


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