Monday, September 1, 2008

Fun.. I think?

Well today Liza and Dad seemed to be alright... So I asked if they where getting along this morning... Both of them looked at me and I felt like a total idiot... Liza said that they had not talked about yesterday yet. So I just decided they both where bitchy yesterday. Like I said before I didn't go to Kana's B-day thing so I feel bad about that.

Misuky and her daughter were celebrating their bdays with us today. Her friends came with her and they all acted like they usually do.. Nuts. Now when I say nuts you gotta know I mean like seriously crazy. If you know Bryce then you should know what crazy is... Multiplie that by 4 women and you have the people I hung out with today. Seriously though they all act goofy as hell. ?Mitsuay? seemed to have had fun. I played balloon fight with her and don't let the balloon touch the ground. We also went swimming and ate a lot of Hispanic food.( seeing as most of everyone there is Hispanic they knew how to cook it).

Not so long after the party and what not I talked to Sissy. She seemed to be doing well. She had to go to the bank today to open her account. I bet it was a pain in the ass because she's in Japan and I wouldn't think for the people working there to speak English.

After getting bored of being alone I attempted to get Tommy to come over (the party girls had left already). He seemed as if he was gonna be able to but his parents wouldn't let him. He is apparently still sick (almost for 2 weeks now O-o) so that plan got thrown out the window. So he said instead we should play on Xbox live. I couldn't seeing as my account wasn't payed for, but Tommy being awesome as usual gave me a month subscription. Now how many friends would do that for you?

So I get on Xbox live and we have an awesome game of Tf2.(Team fortress two for you nubs out thar). He wanted to play Halo so I agreed. I wasn't really in the mood for Halo because my wireless connection gets the shit beat out of it when I play it. Tf2 it did an acceptable job with. However the minute we started playing Halo 3... My internet started dying. I'm so far away from the freakin router that my connection goes in and out when I'm on H3. So I was in game with Tommy and got booted out.. I tried to get back in but it wouldn't let me. So I played with some random people for a while and Tommy got off.. I hope I didn't piss him off....

After worrying and feeling guilty about Tommy, I got off Xblive. I went downstairs to see if he was on the internet still... Unfortunately he wasn't so I feel really bad about that... Although I'm pretty sure it's because his parents told him to go to bed so... Well I'm looking up stuff about Tori Amos on Wikipedia. I find that there is a comic book based on her songs. So I went to Amazon and found it and was so excited. I just bought it right there and then. While having my credit card out and handy I was wondering if I could find any Lucky Pineapple Stuff I couldn't find any Mp3's on Amazon so that disappointed me. I next tried iTunes (wasn't expecting to find any there either but I thought it couldn't hurt). Nothing there either... So I did what anyone else would do! I googled them. And I found them quite easily. So I bought their CD on their website. It was only ten bucks so I was like "What the heck" and all that Jazz.

Anyway I hope I get my stuff soon hopefully by Wednessday... O and did I mention the drummer in the band was my English teachers takeover person... Ya I know awesome right? O and I forgot to mention this huge ass wolf spider popped up beside me and attempted to attack me while I was looking up Tori Amos stuff.. Ya that little or rather big bitch got flushed down the toilet... Bitches don't know bout my flushin skillz.

Nothing elese I can think of right now that was basically my day. Write more tomorrow :3. LEAVE COMMENTS PEOPLE!


Jesie said...

Yo, Roberto! I'm sorry to hear about Liza and Daddy-O fighting...and you missing Kana's b-day party. That's sad. :( I miss Kana's b-day too, because I'm a crappy lil' sister. Anyway, I'm glad you had fun at teh other party. And I hope Tommy is doin' ok. Lurv! <3

headwound said...

I give you an A for effort, but you need to learn how to wrestle the English language down and maul it like a Champion would.