Thursday, September 4, 2008

Why I haven't posted? And why I hate older people -_-

Well I haven't posted in a while do to the fact that anytime I do have free time to post I am doing something else for someone else. For example Cleaning the house or doing my homeworx or studying. In this case it has been studying mostly. I got my Comic book Tattoo and let me tell you it's Ginormous. I got it for someone else for their b-day and I'm gonna hate to see it go. The artwork in it is so awesome!

The last three days of school have been interesting. I have learned that JM running mate is well... a bitch. She voted for the wolfs to be hunted which is the first reason I don't like her. Another is she is pro-life which I am not. People are still gonna get abortions whether or not we outlaw it. At least right now they can do it safely. Besides women had to work to get those rights and she just wants them to be taken away.

I also found out the Mike (what an ass he has been btw) Decided to sell my 360 controller and still owes me around o about 300 dollars on top of that. So I have now decided WAR of some sort. Don't know what yet but he should be expecting things to change very soon. I've not been so pissed at anyone to this degree. So ya he's been a duche a lot lately.

Liza started yelling at me because my computer was not satisfactory to her demands. So she basically said (or rather I took it as) that it was my fault she doesn't know how to work a compu. It was very annoying. Then she said the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. She said that Firefox was not as good as IE. Also that IE was what "Professionals" use such as collages and university's. Then she went on to say that it was a child's toy or something to that degree. I didn't even really listen to her because she was being a nasty bitch. I was nice enough to attempt to fix her computer then she turns around and bitches at me for mine being different. I'm sorry Liza but I actually have my computer set up the way I like it. I should have been like GTFO my lappy then if you don't appreciate what i'm doing.

This is why I don't usually like older people. When something goes wrong they don't like they yell at people who are younger than them. They claim it to be our fault that they are ignorant and that they can't understand anything new. Never ever will I end up that way. I will always be up on technology and know how to do anything and everything.

I hung out with Tommy today. It was actually fun and I enjoyed myself. I also didn't feel I had to be something I wasn't so it just seemed more natural to be myself. We tried out for the Peter Pan play today for the role of a pirate. When it was our turn to try out (with my luck I knew something bad was bound to happen) I had to go first... I thought to myself " GOD DANG IT WHY DO I HAVE TO GO FIRST" I always suck at anything I do if I have to go first. So of course I did suck and I forgot a lyric or two. I felt like an idiot and it really pissed me off. I hope I get in because the guy after me didn't do so well so that made me more optimistic as to getting a pirate role. Tommy did an awesome job and I sat there still terrified at how bad I did. I always do bad when I'm in the Lime light. I can't stand the pressure of so many people staring at me at once. I have problems with picking up on others negative thoughts or reactions very easily. Almost as if I am in everyone at the same time and can just tell what the whole room is thinking. Ms. Hampton thought I did just fine. I could tell by the soft look of her eye. Mr. Bundy was a little questionable but thought I did better than most, just not the best. The class thought mostly what Mr. Bundy did so I guess it's not that bad. At least I wasn't the worst out of everyone. Besides I'm just doing the play for fun so meh. The only thing I fear is that Tommy will get in and I won't because that would just be fudged up. I wouldn't get to have any fun or be hanging out with Tommy.

Tommy and I headed for T-Bizzle( Taco Bell) for lunch. I paid for him and we hung out for a little while at his house. I met his step dad who seemed kind of well extremely stressed. We couldn't stay in the house so me and him went to the park to wait for his mom to get there. At the park Tommy showed me the usual hang out spots of the kids that live there. It was sorta messy but it wasn't a total mess. I wanted to clean it just a little but I had nothing to clean it with so I kinda just let it go. He gave me some of his CD's and told me to keep em. When we got back to his house we saw his step dad's car was still there but not his moms. So we drove around until she came back. His mom is most likely the most awesome woman I have ever met. She does I.T. in Louisville and knows C++. She makes her own programs and does a little bit of everything. She does multimedia for her company and makes programs for them. I had no idea how cool his mom was, I guess it embarrasses him?? Although didn't really get the vibe.. It was more like he never thought to mention it thing.

Me and him are supposed to hang out this Friday. I just hope Liza remembers and let's us go to the mall. I want to go see Lucky Pineapple at Headliners but I don't know if we will be able to make it. If we could meet up with Bryce at his house and have him take us then I think that would be a better idea. I suck at driving around Louisville and don't feel like killing myself or Tommy. So we will just have to see what ends up happening.

Well I can't really think of anything else other than Mr. Townsends test was very weird. It had several questions that didn't seem like something he would ask on his test. He infact has never had that kind of test format. I didn't enjoy it and it was extremely hard. I just hope I at least got a C -_-. I even studied for like an hour and that didn't seem like enough because I study for the way he usually gives tests. Which are never that hard or anyoing to do.

Anyway I guess I'll post Tomorrow PEACE!

1 comment:

headwound said...

Word on the street is that Mike also sold my copy of Gears of War.

Also I'd be fine with meeting you guys somewhere to go see Lucky Pineapple and the other bands, Mari and Sam may go too.