Friday, September 19, 2008

Hurricane Blues

So we had a hurricane here in Indiana... IN INDIANA!@!@!@!!!?!??!?!? So ya it blew away my power and telephone. No internet until today sooo ya... We threw away all of our food and our cow we had just bought. I haven't posted because of this and didn't feel the need to until now. Dad had left for a business trip and came back quickly after we figured out that our power was not going to come back on.

The side of the barn blew away and I had to fix that. It only took eight hours. I decided to hang out with Bryce and Mari afterwords (Mari is Bryce's GF She's awesome~!) the next day. WE had a good ol time and talk to H.B. Paul (Guy we met by Ear-X-Tacy) He seemed like an awesome person to me. In Ear-X-Tacy we looked at records and I wanted a butt load of em... Just don't have a record player XD. I also don't have the money O_o Records are expensive. We ate a butt load at a whole bunch of fast food resturants. I'm so sick of fast food I think I'm just gonna cook for the rest of my life.

On Thursday I drank water I wasn't supposed to on accident. It was poisoned and it made me really sick. I went to the E.R. although I didn't want to. I felt stupid sitting in there but meh W/E. Liza and dad just wanted to make sure I didn't have some kind of weird virus. My stomach still kinda hurts but I think I'm ok. I had some awesome drugs while I was there and it made me really dizzy and have a cold sweat. The room began to and I couldn't see straight. Dad kept getting closer to the bed but it could of been the drugs XD.

Today we had school and I was well enough to go. I only had choir and English but I only made it to English. I went to Prosser and played Halo. Dad and I went to Bean street cafe forever after that and then we went shopping. Liza calledand after 5 days with no power we finally had it.

I now gtg clean the house so G' Night ^,^

1 comment:

headwound said...

goddamn, that was the hardest I have ever worked ever.