Saturday, August 30, 2008

Blog #1 School days=3 weeks

This is my third week into school. I have found that this school year seems to be the most exciting. I am planning on trying out for the Peter Pan play for the role of a Pirate. Mr. Bundy? Is planning to have at least 30 pirates so I'm pretty sure I'll get in. Tommy is also going to try to get in with me. I have found that I don't really trust myself lately and I am having problems with my inner thoughts. Nothing really makes that much sense any more except for school. So I find myself obsessing over school, not that it is a good thing.... Although I noticed it's getting me good grades so...

I went to a concert today, well a series of bands to be more exact. I really like the music they where playing and couldn't believe I was getting into it so much. I went with Nash and Tommy who are two of my closest friends that I have left. Seeing as I tend to drive my friends away because I don't wanna hurt them I'm just lucky that these two guys have been there. Nash has been there basically since we moved here to Indiana and has always been my friend. I don't think I have ever gotten into a serious fight or ever been truly pissed at Nash. I can say that I was falsely mad at him because I was trying to be something I wasn't.

Let me elaborate on the being something I am not. I used to be friends with this guy named Mike. He was a good friend for a while but he gets so enraptured in himself that he forgets about other people. I tried to fit in ( which I shouldn't have, I should have just been myself) with him. It took me 3 years to realize that this was a pointless friendship because I couldn't be myself around him. I recently broke off my friendship with him because of this and have moved on. When I was trying to fit in I would treat Nash wrongly.... I should have never done that and now I really REALLY regret it.

Anyway back on track.... I also went with Tommy who has been my other closest friend since seventh grade. We all went to this bands/concert thing at Faith Family in Jeff. I met all kinds of people and they each had their own type of personality. People there turned out to be a lot nicer than I had expected... I guess I'm just used to FC kids who are usually stuck up and preppy... These people where different and enjoyed being different. I hung out with this awesome girl for most of the night and attempted to flirt with her... although I am still not sure if I was truly interested or just wanted to flirt. I will say I'm very interested in being her friend and want to know more about her...

Besides that I noticed I was very OCD at the concert about how things looked or where. I have usually pretty good control over my OCD, however there was this guy there named ?Jason? who had been throwing pretzel sticks all over the ground. The "Security" KID came over and told him to clean it up. He didn't really want to and I couldn't just let the damn mess stay there because it was driving me insane. So I went and cleaned it up for him... and you know what he did ?? He gave me money it was awesome!

Inside of the "Church" it was very, very small.... People that dance there dance strange... it's like a mix between ICP people and the people who .. dance like they are fighting. Either way though I had a lot of fun. The only thing I didn't like was the fact I sweated my ass off. I always sweat no matter what I do.... Usually... Sometimes my body creates no sweat when it's hot and I just feel cold??? I don't know if that is normal but I'm happy when it happens.

Tommy hung around his G/F most of the time however he did a good job of keeping track of me and Nash... He wasn't being a total D-bag and ignoring us the whole time. I was happy he knew a happy medium between us and her. I didn't have any problems giving them space because I was hanging out with this girl for most of the night.

People there did make fun of my shortness (I'm short as hell btw) but I was used to it. This guy who is a Pedophile was totaly eyein me though.... I was all freakin out cause I know what he was thinking T_T.... It was creepy so I decided to not talk to him anymore.

Besides meeting new people I saw my friend from Prosser there. His name is Sean... I think he spells it that way. Anyway, He and I go to Prosser together and are in programming with each other. He was there with his cousin who seemed pretty cool. He tried to get a hold of Chris G but he was at a football game and couldn't come.

I'm still confussed about what I like and don't like in people... I myself don't know who I really am and until I do; I'm not sure I'll ever be able to tell what I do and don't like. I'm just glad I have awesome friends to spend time with in the end.

For now I'm out and off to take a shower so g'night~!

1 comment:

Jesie said...

I'm glad you have some good friends to help you out, Rob. I'm sorry things didn't work out with Mike, and I'm sorry that you're so confused. Don't worry, though. You'll figure it out, and there's no rush.