Saturday, August 30, 2008

Almost 4 on a Saturday

So today I woke up and was tired as hell from last night. When I did get home last night I didn't go to bed until about 3. I was in the shower and fell asleep and I took a 30 min nap in it XD. This morning I still didn't get up. It was about 12:00 when I really got out of bed. So far I still have forgotten to go get something for my sis's B-day... I need to go do that soon.

While I was driving to my voice lessons I had called dad. He was talking to me and I heard Jacob screaming in the background. (Jacob is my little Nephew) It turns out he had hit his nose ( I think) and busted it open. Jared (my brother) Kana (my sister) and Red (my soon to be sister in law) all went to the emergency room with him. Kana told me he was ok later so I'm trying not to worry about it.

At Ivanna's I learned I can hit a high G without going into falceto at all. I didn't know I could go that high so I was very surprised. I am learning an awesome song for contest and can't wait to memorize it all the way. I am hoping to sing it for the mens choir class at my school so I can get used to singing it in front of people. I'm sure Ms. Hampton will not mind letting me do that since it is my senior year.

I have to read Beowulf for school this weekend and start writing my English paper due on the 12th of September. I'm not really looking forward to writing it but I'll get over it. At least we have a 3 day weekend (Thank you labor day!) cause I don't think I could get it done otherwise.

Anyway I have to go help dad now so I'll post more tonight!

1 comment:

headwound said...

I am so burnt out on school it's hilarious.