Saturday, February 7, 2009

An adult point of view

I don't have much time to blog about four minutes so I'll squeeze as much into this one as I can.

Today I was supposed to be home at 12:00 P.M. on the dot.  Mike and I had just finished eating at about 11:54 P.M. and was putting things in my car.  Mike only lives about 5 mins away if that so I had no problem with putting things away that late into my car.  We were getting the last item my wii into the car... This led me to turning around and seeing an Emu right behind me.  Those things freak me out just a little btw.  Anyway Mike was all "God damnit!....  Robert let me see your phone so I can call Meghan out here."  Greaaaaattt....I thought....  Of course me being who I am I was worried about the bird running away and getting hurt.  Also the thought of Mike and Meghan getting into trouble because it ran away and got it came to mind.  I put the phone into my pocket and ran over with mike to lead it twards the gate.  "You want help?"  I asked him.  "Yea if you would please help me get it back in that would be great"  He replied.  Meghan finally strolls out and forgot her shoes -_-....  When she comes out she went to the gate to hold the other emu's away and the horse.  It took forever to get the damn bird over there... however it still wouldn't get in.  Dad decides to call and is automaticly pissed on the phone.  "NO NO NO NO!! Get the Fuck home Now or else your grounded!"  While he is yelling at me Mike got the lasso and got ahold of the bird.  Dad yelled "Get home right NOW!".  So he hung up....  Mike asked "O my god are your grounded?"  I said "Yep........................." this lead on to he telling me he was sorry and what not -_-;...  

I left while they were putting the Emu away and drove home as quick as I could.  Here is the gist of what happend
*Got home
*Went looking for Dad to ask him to forgive me
*Dad yells at me and basically tells me I'm a pice of shit (I should really know how to spell pice?sp?
*He says I am acting like a child
* I feel like shit don't want to do anything
*I get grounded for this weekend
*I get my phone and keys taken
*I get them back
*I get them taken
* I apparently made a good decisioun on cleaning the kitchen...
*I get them back...

Now I still feel like shit...

Apparently I don't have an adult point of view....  So I will most likely keep fucking up as I go through HighSchool my Senior year.

The end.. write more later gtg,,.......