Thursday, June 18, 2009

Life goes on...

Recently things have been.... somehow... easier for me.. I don't know what it is though. Getting tasks done and doing what needs to get done in general is just a lot easier than it was even a year ago. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or if it's because I have found myself with different people. I feel like I'm headed in the right direction. Graphic arts is what I'm pretty sure I wanna do. So that's out of the way just I'm not sure what kind of graphic arts XD. Life doesn't seem hard and it takes less effort to just do what I am asked.

I'm happy about one thing though! I'm getting a flipUltra HD! WOOT! Thanks to everyone who gave me graduation money cause some of that is going towards it.

On a more serious note, life is going to continue with or without me.... So I've decided to go along with it and do what I can to better my life. This is one thing not many people accomplish but I know I can. It won't be long until I'm in college and that will change me even more... All this change is hard to handle but in the end I know I'll be fine...

This is my last post on this blog name.....


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