Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Long time no post!

Well then I surely have a lot to write about.  Tommy and I got through the play and it was awesome... I made some new friends while in it so that's always good.  Tommy has become a close friend to me however I think from being in the play and seeing each other constantly has caused us to take time away from each other just to get some air.  The last play was fun BTW and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Aunt Laurie's husband left AGAIN.  He's an ass for doing that to his family 5 times now... I hope he doesn't come back he sure has lost my trust in him (What little I had)...

I myself have been as ass to everyone because it's winter.  I always turn in and hurt the other people who just want to help me.  It affects everything especially school.  I wish I wouldn't get so depressed in the winter it would just make life that much easier.  Amanda is still living with us for a while longer and Aunt Laurie moved in with her daughter...

I have been studying for the finals all week (sorta)...
I will admit it's hard for me to concentrate for consecutive hours which is most likely why I am posting on here.  I need to finish studying for my Government like right now...  but it can wait another min or two.

I have been lonely as hell...  I don't know why but I just feel like I'm not really currently needed in the world for anything but to do work and eat. .. Maybe breathe every few seconds.  I wish that someone would come into my life but I don't think that is going to happen any time soon.  I've been having trouble dealing with my feelings towards others and it's getting hard to repress it.  idk it's all confusing really.

Chris finally let me come over to his house this weekend (Chris is the programming kid I've known for a year and a half now)  It wasn't what I thought it was going to be...  I was expecting things to be a little different..  Most likely because I'm used to life here.  I had a lot of fun though...  even if we didn't go eat at little chef...  

Well I guess that's all I can currently think of for now... 

1 comment:

Jesie said...

Hey Rob! Hope you update more. Sorry I haven't been keeping up with your blogs, but I do like to read them so I know what's going on in your life. Being this far away from you makes it hard. I'm sorry I can't be there for you. Don't rush your love life, it'll happen when it's time. :) I miss you bunches.